123Guestbook.com will be shutting down on the 1st of July. Learn more


1:42pm 09-04-2023

Your Website

awesome site! Very aesthetic, I like your manifesto/about page especially. As someone who doesn't have much of a presence at all on the big 5 social media sites (except a few friend-based discord servers, and maybe youtube in the near future, I have an idea for a video series I want to do), I can really relate to the feeling of essentially 'not existing' in wider society, and the fear that if discord went down, I'd lose all contact with online friends I've known for years, possibly for good.

Thanks for the follow, btw! I'll try out your visual novel when I have the time.
Replied on: 10:06pm 09-04-2023

thanks a bunch Jade! ^^ Glad u are enjoying the site! Yours is really lovely too, I smiled so big when I saw that Calvin & Hobbes strip haha, one of my all time favorites. <3

The way your site is like a webcomic library of sorts is just the coolest! Really excited to read through these in the coming weeks, there's already a bunch that have sparked my interest.

Oh totally, its a unique feeling to us internet dwelling folks who have basically built a home here, having to pack up shop and move somewhere new, probably losing touch with cherished people along the way. I will keep searching for ways to avoid this, and if I can't find something reliable, I'm just gonna make it myself.

Best of luck with your YouTube videos btw! cheering for ya, feel free to share those with me when they go up, would be happy to watch & support :]

as for the visual novel, I have the artistic skills of a potato lol. That is actually made by another awesome site creator named Shishka! (https://shishka.neocities.org/) One of my absolute favs in the Neocities space for sure. Thanks again for leaving your kindness & thoughts here! See ya on the flipside ^^

1:29pm 08-13-2023

Your Website

love the site! and thanks for the follow
Replied on: 10:21pm 09-04-2023

I gotchu, my fellow orange themed site!! Thanks a bunch onion ^^ love your choice of colors, and that Channel Onion banner is so dope! keep up the awesome work!

8:25pm 07-26-2023

Your Website

yr site is so cute!! love the colors
Replied on: 10:14pm 09-04-2023

appeciate u fisher!! ^^ bet u can't guess what my favorite color is lmfao; also your site is so lovely! I adore the blog w like different themes for each month, that's such a cute idea. also the gum reviews are an invaluable resource! exactly what the world needs in these trying times lol; thx for your kindness!

10:42am 07-20-2023

Your Website

Thank you for the follow, I love your website!
Replied on: 10:32pm 09-04-2023

thanks a bunch Kit!! your site is really cool too! I love the Games section and how you have this nice little curated library of flash games. Straight up, I just spent like an hour in there just goofing around haha. Also!! a fellow flipnote user!! hell yes! love your flips & artstyle :]